Active healing cells

Gabinet diagnostyczno-zabiegowy, Gabinet diagnostyczno-zabiegowy, Poradnia przeciwpadaczkowa, Poradnia przeciwpadaczkowa, Pracownia diagnostyki laboratoryjnej, Pracownia diagnostyki laboratoryjnej, Dzial Farmacji, Dzial Farmacji, Oddzial Anestezjologii i Intensywnej Terapii, Oddzial Anestezjologii i Intensywnej Terapii, Pracownia endoskopii przewodu pokramowego, Pracownia endoskopii przewodu pokramowego, Gabinet Diagnostyczno-Zabiegowy, Gabinet Diagnostyczno-Zabiegowy, Pracownia EEG, Pracownia EEG, Pracownia USG, Pracownia USG, Pracownia rehabilitacji i fizykoterapii, Pracownia rehabilitacji i fizykoterapii, Pracownia rentgenodiagnostyki ogolnej, Pracownia rentgenodiagnostyki ogolnej, Poradnia ginekologiczno-poloznicza, Poradnia ginekologiczno-poloznicza, Gabinet Stomatologiczny, Gabinet Stomatologiczny, Poradnia Internistyczna, Poradnia Internistyczna, Poradnia ortopedyczna, Poradnia ortopedyczna, Poradnia okresu przekwitania, Poradnia okresu przekwitania, Gabinet Protetyki, Gabinet Protetyki, Poradnia Pediatryczna, Poradnia Pediatryczna, Poradnia zaopatrzenia ortopedycznego, Poradnia zaopatrzenia ortopedycznego, Poradnia Stomatologiczna, Poradnia Stomatologiczna, Poradnia profilaktyki chorob piersi, Poradnia profilaktyki chorob piersi, Gabinet Chirurgii Stomatologicznej, Gabinet Chirurgii Stomatologicznej, Poradnia Alergologiczna, Poradnia Alergologiczna, Poradnia geriatryczna, Poradnia geriatryczna, Nocna Pomoc Dorazna, Nocna Pomoc Dorazna, Poradnia ginekologiczna, Poradnia ginekologiczna, Poradnia Dermatologiczna, Poradnia Dermatologiczna, Poradnia psychologiczna, Poradnia psychologiczna, Poradnia neonatologiczna, Poradnia neonatologiczna, Poradnia Chorob Zakaznych, Poradnia Chorob Zakaznych, Poradnia ginekologiczno-poloznicza, Poradnia ginekologiczno-poloznicza, Poradnia stomatologiczna, Poradnia stomatologiczna, fizjoterapia domowa, fizjoterapia domowa, Poradnia Hepatologiczna, Poradnia Hepatologiczna, Poradnia stomatologiczna, Poradnia stomatologiczna, Poradnia chirurgii urazowo ortopedycznej, Poradnia chirurgii urazowo ortopedycznej, Poradnia kardiologiczna, Poradnia kardiologiczna, Preparatyka krwi i szpiku kostnego, Preparatyka krwi i szpiku kostnego, Poradnia Chirurgiczna, Poradnia Chirurgiczna, Poradnia endokrynologiczna, Poradnia endokrynologiczna, Poradnia otolaryngologiczna, Poradnia otolaryngologiczna, Punkt pobran materialow biologicznych, Punkt pobran materialow biologicznych, Poradnia Onkologiczna, Poradnia Onkologiczna, Punkt opatrunkowy, Punkt opatrunkowy, Poradnia chorob wewnetrznych, Poradnia chorob wewnetrznych, Active therapeutic entities

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Gabinet diagnostyczno-zabiegowy

ID ZOZ: 467954
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 384905
Id: 6481325
Territory number: 1261029
Territory: Krakow-Krowodrza - delegation

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Gabinet diagnostyczno-zabiegowy
ul. Kluczborska 17/6
31-271 Krakow
Regon: 12122235600030
Code: 005
Specialty: Gabinet diagnostyczno-zabiegowy
Department code: 9450

Date of commencement of activity:
End date of activity: 2017-01-09

Poradnia przeciwpadaczkowa

ID ZOZ: 404971
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 345181
Id: 5188487
Territory number: 1816065
Territory: Glogow Malopolski - obszar wiejski

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia przeciwpadaczkowa
NULL 600
36-060 Rudna Mala
Regon: 18016303000023
Code: 035
Department code: 1226

Date of commencement of activity:

Pracownia diagnostyki laboratoryjnej

ID ZOZ: 418626
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 356840
Id: 5335277
Territory number: 1465068
Territory: Ochota - dzielnica

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Pracownia diagnostyki laboratoryjnej
Barska 16/20
02-315 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300028
Code: 025
Specialty: Pracownia diagnostyki laboratoryjnej (laboratorium)
Department code: 7100

Date of commencement of activity:
End date of activity: 2012-05-30

Dzial Farmacji

ID ZOZ: 467954
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 384905
Id: 6481326
Territory number: 1261029
Territory: Krakow-Krowodrza - delegation

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Dzial Farmacji
ul. Kluczborska 17/6
31-271 Krakow
Regon: 12122235600030
Code: 006
Specialty: Apteka szpitalna/zakladowa/dzial farmacji
Department code: 4920

Date of commencement of activity:
End date of activity: 2017-01-09

Oddzial Anestezjologii i Intensywnej Terapii

ID ZOZ: 404971
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 345181
Id: 5188488
Territory number: 1816065
Territory: Glogow Malopolski - obszar wiejski

Number of beds (total): 4
Number of beds (ICU): 4
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Oddzial Anestezjologii i Intensywnej Terapii
36-060 Rudna Mala
Regon: 18016303000023
Code: 036
Specialty: Oddzial anestezjologii i intensywnej terapii
Department code: 4260

Date of commencement of activity:

Pracownia endoskopii przewodu pokramowego

ID ZOZ: 418625
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 356840
Id: 5335278
Territory number: 1465068
Territory: Ochota - dzielnica

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Pracownia endoskopii przewodu pokramowego
ul. Barska 16/20
02-315 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300035
Code: 026
Specialty: Pracownia endoskopii
Department code: 7910

Date of commencement of activity:

Gabinet Diagnostyczno-Zabiegowy

ID ZOZ: 404971
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 345181
Id: 5188489
Territory number: 1816065
Territory: Glogow Malopolski - obszar wiejski

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Gabinet Diagnostyczno-Zabiegowy
NULL Rudna Mala
Regon: 18016303000023
Code: 037
Specialty: Gabinet diagnostyczno-zabiegowy
Department code: 9450

Date of commencement of activity:

Pracownia EEG

ID ZOZ: 418626
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 356840
Id: 5335279
Territory number: 1465068
Territory: Ochota - dzielnica

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Pracownia EEG
Barska 16/20
02-315 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300028
Code: 027
Department code: 0

Date of commencement of activity:
End date of activity: 2012-05-30

Pracownia USG

ID ZOZ: 404971
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 345181
Id: 5188490
Territory number: 1816065
Territory: Glogow Malopolski - obszar wiejski

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Pracownia USG
NULL Rudna Mala
Regon: 18016303000023
Code: 038
Specialty: Pracownia USG
Department code: 7210

Date of commencement of activity:

Pracownia rehabilitacji i fizykoterapii

ID ZOZ: 418625
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 356840
Id: 5335280
Territory number: 1465068
Territory: Ochota - dzielnica

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Pracownia rehabilitacji i fizykoterapii
ul. Barska 16/20
02-315 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300035
Code: 028
Specialty: Dzial (pracownia) fizykoterapii
Department code: 1312

Date of commencement of activity:
End date of activity: 2015-11-29

Pracownia rentgenodiagnostyki ogolnej

ID ZOZ: 404971
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 345181
Id: 5188491
Territory number: 1816065
Territory: Glogow Malopolski - obszar wiejski

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Pracownia rentgenodiagnostyki ogolnej
NULL Rudna Mala
Regon: 18016303000023
Code: 039
Specialty: Pracownia rentgenodiagnostyki ogolnej
Department code: 7240

Date of commencement of activity:

Poradnia ginekologiczno-poloznicza

ID ZOZ: 406815
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 346791
Id: 5206886
Territory number: 1435054
Territory: Wyszkow - miasto

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia ginekologiczno-poloznicza
Prosta 15
07-200 Wyszkow
Regon: 14165984700069
Code: 001
Specialty: Poradnia polozniczo-ginekologiczna
Department code: 1450

Date of commencement of activity:

Gabinet Stomatologiczny

ID ZOZ: 410919
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 350431
Id: 5243812
Territory number: 1020044
Territory: Aleksandrow Lodzki - miasto

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Gabinet Stomatologiczny
Wojska Polskiego 12
95-070 Aleksandrow Lodzki
Regon: 10107750400000
Code: 001
Specialty: Poradnia stomatologiczna
Department code: 1800

Date of commencement of activity:

Poradnia Internistyczna

ID ZOZ: 411891
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 351270
Id: 5251165
Territory number: 1061029
Territory: Lodz-Baluty - delegation

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia Internistyczna
Gruszowa 2
91-363 Lodz
Regon: 10141700600022
Code: 001
Specialty: Poradnia chorob wewnetrznych
Department code: 1000

Date of commencement of activity:
End date of activity: 2013-01-31

Poradnia ortopedyczna

ID ZOZ: 418626
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 356840
Id: 5335281
Territory number: 1465068
Territory: Ochota - dzielnica

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia ortopedyczna
Bohaterow Wrzesnia 7
02-389 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300028
Code: 029
Specialty: Poradnia chirurgii urazowo-ortopedycznej
Department code: 1580

Date of commencement of activity:
End date of activity: 2012-05-30

Poradnia okresu przekwitania

ID ZOZ: 406815
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 346791
Id: 5206887
Territory number: 1435054
Territory: Wyszkow - miasto

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia okresu przekwitania
Prosta 15
07-200 Wyszkow
Regon: 14165984700069
Code: 002
Specialty: Poradnia okresu przekwitania
Department code: 1456

Date of commencement of activity:

Gabinet Protetyki

ID ZOZ: 410919
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 350431
Id: 5243813
Territory number: 1020044
Territory: Aleksandrow Lodzki - miasto

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Gabinet Protetyki
Wojska Polskiego 12
95-070 Aleksandrow Lodzki
Regon: 10107750400000
Code: 002
Specialty: Poradnia protetyki stomatologicznej
Department code: 1830

Date of commencement of activity:

Poradnia Pediatryczna

ID ZOZ: 411891
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 351270
Id: 5251166
Territory number: 1061029
Territory: Lodz-Baluty - delegation

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia Pediatryczna
Gruszowa 2
91-363 Lodz
Regon: 10141700600022
Code: 002
Specialty: Poradnia pediatryczna
Department code: 1401

Date of commencement of activity:
End date of activity: 2013-01-31

Poradnia zaopatrzenia ortopedycznego

ID ZOZ: 418626
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 356840
Id: 5335282
Territory number: 1465068
Territory: Ochota - dzielnica

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia zaopatrzenia ortopedycznego
Bohaterow Wrzesnia 7
02-389 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300028
Code: 030
Specialty: Poradnia zaopatrzenia ortopedycznego
Department code: 1304

Date of commencement of activity:
End date of activity: 2010-01-12

Poradnia Stomatologiczna

ID ZOZ: 464444
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 383007
Id: 6383922
Territory number: 2462011
Territory: Bytom - municipality

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia Stomatologiczna
ul. Stanislawa Moniuszki 22
41-902 Bytom
Regon: 27821262000021
Code: 001
Specialty: Poradnia stomatologiczna
Department code: 1800

Date of commencement of activity:

Poradnia profilaktyki chorob piersi

ID ZOZ: 406815
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 346791
Id: 5206888
Territory number: 1435054
Territory: Wyszkow - miasto

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia profilaktyki chorob piersi
Prosta 15
07-200 Wyszkow
Regon: 14165984700069
Code: 003
Specialty: Poradnia profilaktyki chorob piersi
Department code: 1458

Date of commencement of activity:

Gabinet Chirurgii Stomatologicznej

ID ZOZ: 410919
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 350431
Id: 5243814
Territory number: 1020044
Territory: Aleksandrow Lodzki - miasto

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Gabinet Chirurgii Stomatologicznej
Wojska Polskiego 12
95-070 Aleksandrow Lodzki
Regon: 10107750400000
Code: 003
Specialty: Poradnia chirurgii stomatologicznej
Department code: 1840

Date of commencement of activity:

Poradnia Alergologiczna

ID ZOZ: 411891
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 351270
Id: 5251167
Territory number: 1061029
Territory: Lodz-Baluty - delegation

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia Alergologiczna
Gruszowa 2
91-363 Lodz
Regon: 10141700600022
Code: 003
Specialty: Poradnia alergologiczna
Department code: 1010

Date of commencement of activity:
End date of activity: 2013-01-31

Poradnia geriatryczna

ID ZOZ: 418626
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 356840
Id: 5335283
Territory number: 1465068
Territory: Ochota - dzielnica

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia geriatryczna
Bohaterow Wrzesnia 7
02-389 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300028
Code: 031
Specialty: Poradnia geriatryczna
Department code: 1060

Date of commencement of activity:
End date of activity: 2010-01-12

Nocna Pomoc Dorazna

ID ZOZ: 464444
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 383007
Id: 6383923
Territory number: 2462011
Territory: Bytom - municipality

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Nocna Pomoc Dorazna
ul. Jozefa Jainty 15
41-902 Bytom
Regon: 27821262000021
Code: 002
Specialty: Poradnia stomatologiczna
Department code: 1800

Date of commencement of activity:

Poradnia ginekologiczna

ID ZOZ: 406815
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 346791
Id: 5206889
Territory number: 1435054
Territory: Wyszkow - miasto

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia ginekologiczna
Prosta 15
07-200 Wyszkow
Regon: 14165984700069
Code: 004
Specialty: Poradnia ginekologiczna
Department code: 1452

Date of commencement of activity:

Poradnia Dermatologiczna

ID ZOZ: 411891
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 351270
Id: 5251168
Territory number: 1061029
Territory: Lodz-Baluty - delegation

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia Dermatologiczna
Gruszowa 2
91-363 Lodz
Regon: 10141700600022
Code: 004
Specialty: Poradnia dermatologiczna
Department code: 1200

Date of commencement of activity:
End date of activity: 2013-01-31

Poradnia psychologiczna

ID ZOZ: 418626
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 356840
Id: 5335284
Territory number: 1465068
Territory: Ochota - dzielnica

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia psychologiczna
Schillera 10
00-248 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300028
Code: 032
Specialty: Poradnia psychologiczna
Department code: 1790

Date of commencement of activity:
End date of activity: 2012-05-30

Poradnia neonatologiczna

ID ZOZ: 406815
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 346791
Id: 5206890
Territory number: 1435054
Territory: Wyszkow - miasto

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia neonatologiczna
Prosta 15
07-200 Wyszkow
Regon: 14165984700069
Code: 005
Specialty: Poradnia neonatologiczna
Department code: 1421

Date of commencement of activity:

Poradnia Chorob Zakaznych

ID ZOZ: 411891
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 351270
Id: 5251169
Territory number: 1061029
Territory: Lodz-Baluty - delegation

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia Chorob Zakaznych
Gruszowa 2
91-363 Lodz
Regon: 10141700600022
Code: 005
Specialty: Poradnia chorob zakaznych
Department code: 1340

Date of commencement of activity:
End date of activity: 2013-01-31

Poradnia ginekologiczno-poloznicza

ID ZOZ: 415590
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 354595
Id: 5277298
Territory number: 1261059
Territory: Krakow-Srodmiescie - delegation

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia ginekologiczno-poloznicza
ul. Henryka Wieniawskiego 66/34
31-436 Krakow
Regon: 12006428600031
Code: 001
Specialty: Poradnia polozniczo-ginekologiczna
Department code: 1450

Date of commencement of activity:

Poradnia stomatologiczna

ID ZOZ: 418626
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 356840
Id: 5335285
Territory number: 1465068
Territory: Ochota - dzielnica

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia stomatologiczna
Bohaterow Wrzesnia 7
02-389 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300028
Code: 033
Specialty: Poradnia stomatologiczna
Department code: 1800

Date of commencement of activity:
End date of activity: 2010-01-12

fizjoterapia domowa

ID ZOZ: 501812
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 403326
Id: 7305427
Territory number: 1416011
Territory: Ostrow Mazowiecka - municipality

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
fizjoterapia domowa
ul. Stefana Grota-Roweckiego 3
07-300 Ostrow Mazowiecka
Regon: 45070629500040
Code: 001
Specialty: Dzial (pracownia) fizjoterapii
Department code: 1310
SIMC code: 0966330
Street code: 06192

Date of commencement of activity:

Poradnia Hepatologiczna

ID ZOZ: 411891
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 351270
Id: 5251170
Territory number: 1061029
Territory: Lodz-Baluty - delegation

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia Hepatologiczna
Gruszowa 2
91-363 Lodz
Regon: 10141700600022
Code: 006
Specialty: Poradnia hepatologiczna
Department code: 1056

Date of commencement of activity:
End date of activity: 2013-01-31

Poradnia stomatologiczna

ID ZOZ: 413577
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 352780
Id: 5264320
Territory number: 1465038
Territory: Bialoleka - dzielnica

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia stomatologiczna
ul. Modlinska 294
03-152 Warszawa
Regon: 14692509300028
Code: 001
Specialty: Poradnia stomatologiczna
Department code: 1800

Date of commencement of activity:

Poradnia chirurgii urazowo ortopedycznej

ID ZOZ: 415590
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 354595
Id: 5277299
Territory number: 1261059
Territory: Krakow-Srodmiescie - delegation

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia chirurgii urazowo ortopedycznej
ul. Henryka Wieniawskiego 66/34
31-436 Krakow
Regon: 12006428600031
Code: 002
Specialty: Poradnia chirurgii urazowo-ortopedycznej
Department code: 1580

Date of commencement of activity:

Poradnia kardiologiczna

ID ZOZ: 418626
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 356840
Id: 5335286
Territory number: 1465068
Territory: Ochota - dzielnica

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia kardiologiczna
Barska 16/20
02-315 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300028
Code: 034
Specialty: Poradnia kardiologiczna
Department code: 1100

Date of commencement of activity:
End date of activity: 2013-12-31

Preparatyka krwi i szpiku kostnego

ID ZOZ: 501817
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 403329
Id: 7305582
Territory number: 2061011
Territory: Bialystok - municipality

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Preparatyka krwi i szpiku kostnego
Choroszczanska 24
15-732 Bialystok
Regon: 20068560600035
Code: 001
Specialty: Inna i nieokreslona komorka dzialalnosci medycznej
Department code: 9000

Date of commencement of activity:

Poradnia Chirurgiczna

ID ZOZ: 411891
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 351270
Id: 5251171
Territory number: 1061029
Territory: Lodz-Baluty - delegation

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia Chirurgiczna
Gruszowa 2
91-363 Lodz
Regon: 10141700600022
Code: 007
Specialty: Poradnia chirurgii ogolnej
Department code: 1500

Date of commencement of activity:
End date of activity: 2013-01-31

Poradnia endokrynologiczna

ID ZOZ: 415590
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 354595
Id: 5277300
Territory number: 1261059
Territory: Krakow-Srodmiescie - delegation

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia endokrynologiczna
ul. Henryka Wieniawskiego 66/34
31-436 Krakow
Regon: 12006428600031
Code: 003
Specialty: Poradnia endokrynologiczna
Department code: 1030

Date of commencement of activity:

Poradnia otolaryngologiczna

ID ZOZ: 418626
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 356840
Id: 5335287
Territory number: 1465068
Territory: Ochota - dzielnica

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia otolaryngologiczna
Schillera 10
00-248 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300028
Code: 035
Specialty: Poradnia otorynolaryngologiczna
Department code: 1610

Date of commencement of activity:
End date of activity: 2010-01-12

Punkt pobran materialow biologicznych

ID ZOZ: 501817
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 403329
Id: 7305583
Territory number: 2061011
Territory: Bialystok - municipality

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Punkt pobran materialow biologicznych
Choroszczanska 24
15-732 Bialystok
Regon: 20068560600035
Code: 002
Specialty: Punkt pobran materialow do badan
Department code: 7110

Date of commencement of activity:

Poradnia Onkologiczna

ID ZOZ: 411891
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 351270
Id: 5251172
Territory number: 1061029
Territory: Lodz-Baluty - delegation

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia Onkologiczna
Gruszowa 2
91-363 Lodz
Regon: 10141700600022
Code: 008
Specialty: Poradnia onkologiczna
Department code: 1240

Date of commencement of activity:
End date of activity: 2013-01-31

Punkt opatrunkowy

ID ZOZ: 413590
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 352793
Id: 5264487
Territory number: 2472011
Territory: Ruda Slaska - municipality

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Punkt opatrunkowy
ul. Piotra Niedurnego 13
41-710 Ruda Slaska
Regon: 27183531200021
Code: 001
Specialty: Gabinet profilaktyki zdrowotnej i pomocy przedlekarskiej
Department code: 40

Date of commencement of activity:

Poradnia chorob wewnetrznych

ID ZOZ: 415590
Unit ID: 0
Book id: 354595
Id: 5277301
Territory number: 1261059
Territory: Krakow-Srodmiescie - delegation

Number of beds (total): 0
Number of beds (ICU): 0
Number of beds (incubator): 0
Number of beds (instant access): 0
Number of incubators: 0
Number of dialysis: 0
Number of beds: 0
Unit address:
Poradnia chorob wewnetrznych
ul. Henryka Wieniawskiego 66/34
31-436 Krakow
Regon: 12006428600031
Code: 004
Specialty: Poradnia chorob wewnetrznych
Department code: 1000

Date of commencement of activity:

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