ID ZOZ: 415597 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 354602 Id: 5277343 Territory number: 1261029 Territory: Krakow-Krowodrza - delegation
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Badania USG ul. Krolowej Jadwigi 101A
30-209 Krakow
Regon: 35673910000024 Code: 003 Specialty: Pracownia USG Department code: 7210
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia dermatologiczna
ID ZOZ: 418626 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 356840 Id: 5335296 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia dermatologiczna Schillera 10
00-248 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300028 Code: 044 Specialty: Poradnia dermatologiczna Department code: 1200
Date of commencement of activity: End date of activity: 2012-05-30
Zaklad Immunologii Klinicznej
ID ZOZ: 499228 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 402156 Id: 7212755 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Zaklad Immunologii Klinicznej ul. Nowogrodzka 59
02-006 Warszawa
Regon: 00028893000025 Code: 022 Specialty: Inne pracownie diagnostyczne lub zabiegowe Department code: 7998 SIMC code: 0918643 Street code: 14426
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Diabetologiczna
ID ZOZ: 412089 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 351451 Id: 5252552 Territory number: 0610034 Territory: Leczna - miasto
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Diabetologiczna ul. Krasnystawska 52/B 22
21-010 Leczna
Regon: 14594899100021 Code: 004 Specialty: Poradnia diabetologiczna Department code: 1020
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Rehabilitacyjna
ID ZOZ: 415597 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 354602 Id: 5277344 Territory number: 1261029 Territory: Krakow-Krowodrza - delegation
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Rehabilitacyjna ul. Krolowej Jadwigi 101A
30-209 Krakow
Regon: 35673910000024 Code: 004 Specialty: Poradnia rehabilitacyjna Department code: 1300
Date of commencement of activity:
Dzial fizjoterapii
ID ZOZ: 418627 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 356840 Id: 5335297 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Dzial fizjoterapii al. Aleja Bohaterow Wrzesnia 7
02-389 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300042 Code: 045 Specialty: Dzial (pracownia) fizjoterapii Department code: 1310
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Ortopedii i Traumatologii Narzadu Ruchu dla Doroslych
ID ZOZ: 499229 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 402156 Id: 7212756 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Ortopedii i Traumatologii Narzadu Ruchu dla Doroslych ul. Williama Heerleina Lindleya 4
02-005 Warszawa
Regon: 00028893000032 Code: 023 Specialty: Poradnia chirurgii urazowo-ortopedycznej Department code: 1580 SIMC code: 0918643 Street code: 44894
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Endokrynologiczna
ID ZOZ: 412089 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 351451 Id: 5252553 Territory number: 0610034 Territory: Leczna - miasto
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Endokrynologiczna ul. Krasnystawska 52/B 22
21-010 Leczna
Regon: 14594899100021 Code: 005 Specialty: Poradnia endokrynologiczna Department code: 1030
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Pediatryczna
ID ZOZ: 415597 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 354602 Id: 5277345 Territory number: 1261029 Territory: Krakow-Krowodrza - delegation
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Pediatryczna ul. Krolowej Jadwigi 101A
30-209 Krakow
Regon: 35673910000024 Code: 005 Specialty: Poradnia pediatryczna Department code: 1401
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia promocji zdrowia
ID ZOZ: 418626 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 356840 Id: 5335298 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia promocji zdrowia al. Aleja Bohaterow Wrzesnia 7
02-389 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300028 Code: 046 Specialty: Poradnia promocji zdrowia Department code: 9700
Date of commencement of activity: End date of activity: 2015-10-09
Dyspozytornia medyczna
ID ZOZ: 398707 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 339829 Id: 5116136 Territory number: 3061011 Territory: Kalisz - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Dyspozytornia medyczna Nowy Swiat 35
62-800 Kalisz
Regon: 00130802000027 Code: 012 Specialty: Inna i nieokreslona komorka dzialalnosci medycznej Department code: 9000
Date of commencement of activity: End date of activity: 2012-05-31
Poradnia Chorob Wewnetrznych
ID ZOZ: 412089 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 351451 Id: 5252554 Territory number: 0610034 Territory: Leczna - miasto
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Chorob Wewnetrznych ul. Krasnystawska 52/B 22
21-010 Leczna
Regon: 14594899100021 Code: 006 Specialty: Poradnia chorob wewnetrznych Department code: 1000
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Neurochirurgiczna
ID ZOZ: 415597 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 354602 Id: 5277346 Territory number: 1261029 Territory: Krakow-Krowodrza - delegation
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Neurochirurgiczna ul. Krolowej Jadwigi 101A
30-209 Krakow
Regon: 35673910000024 Code: 006 Specialty: Poradnia neurochirurgiczna Department code: 1570
Date of commencement of activity:
Bank krwi
ID ZOZ: 418625 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 356840 Id: 5335299 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Bank krwi ul. Barska 16/20
02-315 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300035 Code: 047 Specialty: Bank krwi Department code: 8500
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Okulistyczna Ogolna
ID ZOZ: 499229 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 402156 Id: 7212758 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Okulistyczna Ogolna ul. Williama Heerleina Lindleya 4
02-005 Warszawa
Regon: 00028893000032 Code: 025 Specialty: Poradnia okulistyczna Department code: 1600 SIMC code: 0918643 Street code: 44894
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Otolaryngologiczna
ID ZOZ: 415597 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 354602 Id: 5277347 Territory number: 1261029 Territory: Krakow-Krowodrza - delegation
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Otolaryngologiczna ul. Krolowej Jadwigi 101A
30-209 Krakow
Regon: 35673910000024 Code: 007 Specialty: Poradnia otorynolaryngologiczna Department code: 1610
Date of commencement of activity:
Gabinet pielegniarki srodowiskowej
ID ZOZ: 418626 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 356840 Id: 5335300 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Gabinet pielegniarki srodowiskowej Schillera 10
00-248 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300028 Code: 048 Specialty: Poradnia (gabinet) pielegniarki podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej Department code: 32
Date of commencement of activity: End date of activity: 2010-01-12
Zaklad Rehabilitacji
ID ZOZ: 459378 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 380757 Id: 6243290 Territory number: 3016015 Territory: Oborniki - obszar wiejski
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Zaklad Rehabilitacji ul. Sanatoryjna 34
64-600 Kowanowko
Regon: 63106716800035 Code: 013 Specialty: Dzial (pracownia) fizjoterapii Department code: 1310
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Logopedyczna
ID ZOZ: 415597 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 354602 Id: 5277348 Territory number: 1261029 Territory: Krakow-Krowodrza - delegation
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Logopedyczna ul. Krolowej Jadwigi 101A
30-209 Krakow
Regon: 35673910000024 Code: 008 Specialty: Poradnia logopedyczna Department code: 1616
Date of commencement of activity:
Gabinet poloznej srodowiskowej
ID ZOZ: 418626 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 356840 Id: 5335301 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Gabinet poloznej srodowiskowej Schillera 10
00-248 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300028 Code: 049 Specialty: Poradnia (gabinet) poloznej podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej Department code: 34
Date of commencement of activity: End date of activity: 2010-01-12
Poradnia Urologiczna
ID ZOZ: 499229 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 402156 Id: 7212760 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Urologiczna ul. Williama Heerleina Lindleya 4
02-005 Warszawa
Regon: 00028893000032 Code: 027 Specialty: Poradnia urologiczna Department code: 1640 SIMC code: 0918643 Street code: 44894
Date of commencement of activity:
Apteka Ogolnodostepna
ID ZOZ: 0 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 342591 Id: 5149687 Territory number: NULL Territory: NULL
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Apteka Ogolnodostepna NULL NULL
Code: 502 Specialty: Apteka szpitalna/zakladowa/dzial farmacji Department code: 4920
Date of commencement of activity: End date of activity: 1999-01-01
Pielegniarska Opieka Dlugoterminowa Domowa
ID ZOZ: 412763 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 352045 Id: 5257844 Territory number: 2403052 Territory: Chybie - village municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Pielegniarska Opieka Dlugoterminowa Domowa ul. Bielska 61
43-520 Chybie
Regon: 07212627400022 Code: 2142 Specialty: Pielegniarska opieka dlugoterminowa domowa Department code: 2142
Date of commencement of activity:
Gabinet zabiegowy
ID ZOZ: 418626 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 356840 Id: 5335302 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Gabinet zabiegowy Schillera 10
00-248 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300028 Code: 050 Department code: 0
Date of commencement of activity: End date of activity: 2012-05-30
Poradnia Dermatologiczna
ID ZOZ: 499229 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 402156 Id: 7212761 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Dermatologiczna ul. Koszykowa 82 A
02-008 Warszawa
Regon: 00028893000032 Code: 028 Specialty: Poradnia dermatologiczna Department code: 1200 SIMC code: 0918643 Street code: 09537
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Zdrowia Psychicznego dla Doroslych
ID ZOZ: 412768 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 352050 Id: 5257868 Territory number: 1465058 Territory: Mokotow - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Zdrowia Psychicznego dla Doroslych UL. JANA SEBASTIANA BACHA 35
Regon: 14657854000026 Code: 001 Specialty: Poradnia zdrowia psychicznego Department code: 1700
Date of commencement of activity:
Oddzial rehabilitacyjny
ID ZOZ: 418625 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 356840 Id: 5335303 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 46 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Oddzial rehabilitacyjny ul. Barska 16/20
02-315 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300035 Code: 051 Specialty: Oddzial rehabilitacyjny Department code: 4300
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Dermatologii i Wenerologii
ID ZOZ: 499229 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 402156 Id: 7212762 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Dermatologii i Wenerologii ul. Koszykowa 82 A
02-008 Warszawa
Regon: 00028893000032 Code: 029 Specialty: Poradnia wenerologiczna Department code: 1202 SIMC code: 0918643 Street code: 09537
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Zdrowia Psychicznego dla Dzieci
ID ZOZ: 412768 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 352050 Id: 5257869 Territory number: 1465058 Territory: Mokotow - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Zdrowia Psychicznego dla Dzieci UL. JANA SEBASTIANA BACHA 35
Regon: 14657854000026 Code: 002 Specialty: Poradnia zdrowia psychicznego dla dzieci Department code: 1701
Date of commencement of activity:
Gabinet zabiegowy
ID ZOZ: 418626 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 356840 Id: 5335304 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Gabinet zabiegowy al. Aleja Bohaterow Wrzesnia 7
02-389 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300028 Code: 052 Specialty: Gabinet diagnostyczno-zabiegowy Department code: 9450
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Kardiologiczna
ID ZOZ: 499229 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 402156 Id: 7212763 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Kardiologiczna ul. Williama Heerleina Lindleya 4
02-005 Warszawa
Regon: 00028893000032 Code: 030 Specialty: Poradnia kardiologiczna Department code: 1100 SIMC code: 0918643 Street code: 44894
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Psychologiczna
ID ZOZ: 412768 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 352050 Id: 5257870 Territory number: 1465058 Territory: Mokotow - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Psychologiczna UL. JANA SEBASTIANA BACHA 35
Regon: 14657854000026 Code: 003 Specialty: Poradnia psychologiczna Department code: 1790
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia onkologiczna
ID ZOZ: 418626 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 356840 Id: 5335305 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia onkologiczna Barska 16/20
02-315 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300028 Code: 053 Specialty: Poradnia onkologiczna Department code: 1240
Date of commencement of activity: End date of activity: 2012-05-30
Poradnia Psychologiczna dla Dzieci
ID ZOZ: 412768 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 352050 Id: 5257871 Territory number: 1465058 Territory: Mokotow - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Psychologiczna dla Dzieci UL. JANA SEBASTIANA BACHA 35
Regon: 14657854000026 Code: 004 Specialty: Poradnia psychologiczna dla dzieci Department code: 1791
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia diabetologiczna
ID ZOZ: 418626 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 356840 Id: 5335306 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia diabetologiczna Barska 16/20
02-315 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300028 Code: 054 Specialty: Poradnia diabetologiczna Department code: 1020
Date of commencement of activity: End date of activity: 2012-05-30
Oddzial Dzienny Zaburzen Nerwicowych
ID ZOZ: 412768 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 352050 Id: 5257872 Territory number: 1465058 Territory: Mokotow - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Oddzial Dzienny Zaburzen Nerwicowych UL. JANA SEBASTIANA BACHA 35
Regon: 14657854000026 Code: 005 Specialty: Oddzial dzienny zaburzen nerwicowych Department code: 2706
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia endokrynologiczna
ID ZOZ: 418626 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 356840 Id: 5335307 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia endokrynologiczna Barska 16/20
02-315 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300028 Code: 055 Specialty: Poradnia endokrynologiczna Department code: 1030
Date of commencement of activity: End date of activity: 2012-05-30
Poradnia chorob wewnetrznych
ID ZOZ: 494183 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 400038 Id: 7067005 Territory number: 1418044 Territory: Piaseczno - miasto
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia chorob wewnetrznych ul. Powstancow Warszawy 8
05-500 Piaseczno
Regon: 14281996800023 Code: 001 Specialty: Poradnia chorob wewnetrznych Department code: 1000
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Nefrologiczna
ID ZOZ: 499229 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 402156 Id: 7212766 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Nefrologiczna ul. Williama Heerleina Lindleya 4
02-005 Warszawa
Regon: 00028893000032 Code: 033 Specialty: Poradnia nefrologiczna Department code: 1130 SIMC code: 0918643 Street code: 44894
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Leczenia Nerwic
ID ZOZ: 412768 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 352050 Id: 5257873 Territory number: 1465058 Territory: Mokotow - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Leczenia Nerwic UL. JANA SEBASTIANA BACHA 35
Regon: 14657854000026 Code: 006 Specialty: Poradnia leczenia nerwic Department code: 1706
Date of commencement of activity:
Gabinet Stomatologiczny
ID ZOZ: 413117 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 352369 Id: 5260650 Territory number: 2005011 Territory: Hajnowka - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Gabinet Stomatologiczny OS. MILLENIUM 8/1
Regon: 20016003900038 Code: 001 Specialty: Poradnia stomatologiczna Department code: 1800
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia chirurgii onkologicznej
ID ZOZ: 418626 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 356840 Id: 5335308 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia chirurgii onkologicznej Barska 16/20
02-315 Warszawa
Regon: 01055355300028 Code: 056 Specialty: Poradnia chirurgii onkologicznej Department code: 1540
Date of commencement of activity: End date of activity: 2012-05-30
ID ZOZ: 494183 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 400038 Id: 7067006 Territory number: 1418044 Territory: Piaseczno - miasto
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Gabinet zabiegowy pielegniarski ( iniekcje, wlewy dozylne) ul. Powstancow Warszawy 8
05-500 Piaseczno
Regon: 14281996800023 Code: 002 Specialty: Gabinet diagnostyczno-zabiegowy Department code: 9450
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Polozniczo-Gineklogiczna
ID ZOZ: 499229 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 402156 Id: 7212767 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Polozniczo-Gineklogiczna Starynkiewicza 1/3
02-015 Warszawa
Regon: 00028893000032 Code: 034 Specialty: Poradnia polozniczo-ginekologiczna Department code: 1450 SIMC code: 0918643
Date of commencement of activity: End date of activity: 2013-12-31
Zespol Leczenia Srodowiskowego (domowego)
ID ZOZ: 412768 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 352050 Id: 5257874 Territory number: 1465058 Territory: Mokotow - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Zespol Leczenia Srodowiskowego (domowego) UL. JANA SEBASTIANA BACHA 35
Regon: 14657854000026 Code: 007 Specialty: Zespol leczenia srodowiskowego (domowego) Department code: 2730