ID ZOZ: 412537 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 351843 Id: 5256071 Territory number: 3064029 Territory: Poznan-Grunwald - delegation
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Dzial farmacji Ziebicka 5
60-164 Poznan
Regon: 89105239500034 Code: 002 Specialty: Apteka szpitalna/zakladowa/dzial farmacji Department code: 4920
Date of commencement of activity:
Punkt szczepien
ID ZOZ: 474394 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 388057 Id: 6656967 Territory number: 1407055 Territory: Kozienice - obszar wiejski
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Punkt szczepien NULL 55
26-900 Swierze Gorne
Regon: 36697497400010 Code: 007 Specialty: Punkt szczepien Department code: 9600
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Chirurgii Ogolnej
ID ZOZ: 499229 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 402156 Id: 7212779 Territory number: 1465068 Territory: Ochota - dzielnica
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Chirurgii Ogolnej ul. Nowogrodzka 59
02-006 Warszawa
Regon: 00028893000032 Code: 046 Specialty: Poradnia chirurgii ogolnej Department code: 1500 SIMC code: 0918643 Street code: 14426
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia leczenia jaskry
ID ZOZ: 407876 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 347711 Id: 5215850 Territory number: 1434031 Territory: Zabki - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia leczenia jaskry Orla 1
05-091 Zabki
Regon: 01611080000028 Code: 008 Specialty: Poradnia leczenia jaskry Department code: 1602
Date of commencement of activity:
Oddzial leczenia jednego dnia
ID ZOZ: 412537 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 351843 Id: 5256072 Territory number: 3064029 Territory: Poznan-Grunwald - delegation
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Oddzial leczenia jednego dnia Ziebicka 5
60-164 Poznan
Regon: 89105239500034 Code: 003 Specialty: Oddzial leczenia jednego dnia Department code: 4670
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia promocji zdrowia w zakresie POZ - dla dzieci
ID ZOZ: 474394 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 388057 Id: 6656968 Territory number: 1407055 Territory: Kozienice - obszar wiejski
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia promocji zdrowia w zakresie POZ - dla dzieci NULL 55
26-900 Swierze Gorne
Regon: 36697497400010 Code: 008 Specialty: Poradnia promocji zdrowia dla dzieci Department code: 9701
Date of commencement of activity:
Pracownia optyczna
ID ZOZ: 407876 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 347711 Id: 5215851 Territory number: 1434031 Territory: Zabki - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Pracownia optyczna Orla 1
05-091 Zabki
Regon: 01611080000028 Code: 009 Specialty: Pracownia lub punkt zaopatrzenia w srodki optyczne Department code: 8220
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia chirurgii plastycznej
ID ZOZ: 412536 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 351843 Id: 5256073 Territory number: 3064029 Territory: Poznan-Grunwald - delegation
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia chirurgii plastycznej Ziebicka 5
60-164 Poznan
Regon: 89105239500041 Code: 004 Specialty: Poradnia chirurgii plastycznej Department code: 1550
Date of commencement of activity:
Oddzial leczenia jednego dnia
ID ZOZ: 461658 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 381727 Id: 6313294 Territory number: 2607011 Territory: Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 3
Unit address:Oddzial leczenia jednego dnia ul. Henryka Sienkiewicza 65/14
27-400 Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski
Regon: 36805383000017 Code: 001 Specialty: Oddzial leczenia jednego dnia Department code: 4670 SIMC code: 0947308 Street code: 19834
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia logopedyczna
ID ZOZ: 510189 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 407312 Id: 7516711 Territory number: 2469011 Territory: Katowice - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia logopedyczna Ligocka 3A
40-570 Katowice
Regon: 27390229000038 Code: 038 Specialty: Poradnia logopedyczna Department code: 1616 SIMC code: 0937474
Date of commencement of activity: End date of activity: 2012-11-22
Pracownia optyczna dla dzieci
ID ZOZ: 407876 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 347711 Id: 5215852 Territory number: 1434031 Territory: Zabki - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Pracownia optyczna dla dzieci Orla 1
05-091 Zabki
Regon: 01611080000028 Code: 010 Specialty: Pracownia lub punkt zaopatrzenia w srodki optyczne dla dzieci Department code: 8221
Date of commencement of activity:
Gabinet diagnostyczno - zabiegowy
ID ZOZ: 412536 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 351843 Id: 5256074 Territory number: 3064029 Territory: Poznan-Grunwald - delegation
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Gabinet diagnostyczno - zabiegowy Ziebicka 5
60-164 Poznan
Regon: 89105239500041 Code: 005 Specialty: Gabinet diagnostyczno-zabiegowy Department code: 9450
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia ortopedyczna
ID ZOZ: 459408 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 380769 Id: 6244385 Territory number: 1418013 Territory: NULL
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia ortopedyczna ul. 3 Maja 14
05-530 Gora Kalwaria
Regon: 14291520600023 Code: 001 Specialty: Poradnia chirurgii urazowo-ortopedycznej Department code: 1580
Date of commencement of activity:
Dzial farmacji
ID ZOZ: 461658 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 381727 Id: 6313295 Territory number: 2607011 Territory: Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Dzial farmacji ul. Henryka Sienkiewicza 65/14
27-400 Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski
Regon: 36805383000017 Code: 002 Specialty: Dzial farmacji Department code: 4924 SIMC code: 0947308 Street code: 19834
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Chirurgii Stomatologicznej
ID ZOZ: 402990 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 343443 Id: 5169171 Territory number: 3064011 Territory: Poznan - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Chirurgii Stomatologicznej Bukowska 70
60-812 Poznan
Regon: 63450447400042 Code: 001 Specialty: Poradnia chirurgii stomatologicznej Department code: 1840
Date of commencement of activity:
Pracownia fizjoterapii
ID ZOZ: 459408 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 380769 Id: 6244386 Territory number: 1418013 Territory: NULL
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Pracownia fizjoterapii ul. 3 Maja 14
05-530 Gora Kalwaria
Regon: 14291520600023 Code: 002 Specialty: Dzial (pracownia) fizjoterapii Department code: 1310
Date of commencement of activity:
Izba przyjec
ID ZOZ: 461658 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 381727 Id: 6313296 Territory number: 2607011 Territory: Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Izba przyjec ul. Henryka Sienkiewicza 65/14
27-400 Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski
Regon: 36805383000017 Code: 003 Specialty: Izba przyjec szpitala Department code: 4900 SIMC code: 0947308 Street code: 19834
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia okulistyczna
ID ZOZ: 513928 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 408710 Id: 7628960 Territory number: 2011084 Territory: Sokolka - miasto
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia okulistyczna ul. 3 Maja 1A
16-100 Sokolka
Regon: 20087347200025 Code: 001 Specialty: Poradnia okulistyczna Department code: 1600 SIMC code: 0923443 Street code: 11937
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Rehabilitacji Narzadu Zucia
ID ZOZ: 402990 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 343443 Id: 5169172 Territory number: 3064011 Territory: Poznan - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Rehabilitacji Narzadu Zucia Bukowska 70
60-812 Poznan
Regon: 63450447400042 Code: 002 Specialty: Poradnia stomatologiczna Department code: 1800
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia reumatologiczna
ID ZOZ: 459408 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 380769 Id: 6244387 Territory number: 1418013 Territory: NULL
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia reumatologiczna ul. 3 Maja 14
05-530 Gora Kalwaria
Regon: 14291520600023 Code: 004 Specialty: Poradnia reumatologiczna Department code: 1280
Date of commencement of activity:
Gabinet diagnostyczno-zabiegowy
ID ZOZ: 461658 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 381727 Id: 6313297 Territory number: 2607011 Territory: Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Gabinet diagnostyczno-zabiegowy ul. Henryka Sienkiewicza 65/14
27-400 Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski
Regon: 36805383000017 Code: 004 Specialty: Gabinet diagnostyczno-zabiegowy Department code: 9450 SIMC code: 0947308 Street code: 19834
Date of commencement of activity:
Gabinet diagnostyczno-zabiegowy
ID ZOZ: 513928 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 408710 Id: 7628961 Territory number: 2011084 Territory: Sokolka - miasto
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Gabinet diagnostyczno-zabiegowy ul. 3 Maja 1A
16-100 Sokolka
Regon: 20087347200025 Code: 002 Specialty: Gabinet diagnostyczno-zabiegowy Department code: 9450 SIMC code: 0923443 Street code: 11937
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia stomatologiczna
ID ZOZ: 516891 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 410042 Id: 7734792 Territory number: 1261029 Territory: Krakow-Krowodrza - delegation
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia stomatologiczna ul. Zabiniec 97
31-215 Krakow
Regon: 36467494300019 Code: 001 Specialty: Poradnia stomatologiczna Department code: 1800 SIMC code: 0950470 Street code: 26376
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Stomatologii Zachowawczej i Periodontologii
ID ZOZ: 402990 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 343443 Id: 5169173 Territory number: 3064011 Territory: Poznan - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Stomatologii Zachowawczej i Periodontologii Bukowska 70
60-812 Poznan
Regon: 63450447400042 Code: 003 Specialty: Poradnia stomatologiczna Department code: 1800
Date of commencement of activity:
Pracownia masazu leczniczego
ID ZOZ: 459408 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 380769 Id: 6244388 Territory number: 1418013 Territory: NULL
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Pracownia masazu leczniczego ul. 3 Maja 14
05-530 Gora Kalwaria
Regon: 14291520600023 Code: 003 Specialty: Dzial (pracownia) masazu leczniczego Department code: 1320
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Chorob Blony Sluzowej Jamy Ustnej
ID ZOZ: 402990 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 343443 Id: 5169174 Territory number: 3064011 Territory: Poznan - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Chorob Blony Sluzowej Jamy Ustnej Bukowska 70
60-812 Poznan
Regon: 63450447400042 Code: 004 Specialty: Poradnia chorob blon sluzowych przyzebia Department code: 1810
Date of commencement of activity:
Oddzial ortopedii i traumatologii narzadu ruchu
ID ZOZ: 413357 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 352586 Id: 5262476 Territory number: 2061011 Territory: Bialystok - municipality
Number of beds (total): 12 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Oddzial ortopedii i traumatologii narzadu ruchu ul. Ogrodniczki 51
15-763 Bialystok
Regon: 20079372100020 Code: 001 Specialty: Oddzial chirurgii urazowo-ortopedycznej Department code: 4580
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia diabetologiczna
ID ZOZ: 459408 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 380769 Id: 6244389 Territory number: 1418014 Territory: Gora Kalwaria - miasto
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia diabetologiczna 3-go Maja 14
05-530 Gora Kalwaria
Regon: 14291520600023 Code: 005 Specialty: Poradnia diabetologiczna Department code: 1020
Date of commencement of activity: End date of activity: 2015-02-27
Poradnia Protetyki Stomatologicznej
ID ZOZ: 402990 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 343443 Id: 5169175 Territory number: 3064011 Territory: Poznan - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Protetyki Stomatologicznej Bukowska 70
60-812 Poznan
Regon: 63450447400042 Code: 005 Specialty: Poradnia protetyki stomatologicznej Department code: 1830
Date of commencement of activity:
Gabinet diagnostyczno-zabiegowy
ID ZOZ: 413357 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 352586 Id: 5262477 Territory number: 2061011 Territory: Bialystok - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Gabinet diagnostyczno-zabiegowy ul. Ogrodniczki 51
15-763 Bialystok
Regon: 20079372100020 Code: 002 Specialty: Gabinet diagnostyczno-zabiegowy Department code: 9450
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia kardiologiczna
ID ZOZ: 459408 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 380769 Id: 6244390 Territory number: 1418013 Territory: NULL
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia kardiologiczna ul. 3 Maja 14
05-530 Gora Kalwaria
Regon: 14291520600023 Code: 006 Specialty: Poradnia kardiologiczna Department code: 1100
Date of commencement of activity:
Pracownia - RTG
ID ZOZ: 402990 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 343443 Id: 5169176 Territory number: 3064011 Territory: Poznan - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Pracownia - RTG Bukowska 70
60-812 Poznan
Regon: 63450447400042 Code: 006 Specialty: Pracownia rentgenodiagnostyki ogolnej Department code: 7240
Date of commencement of activity:
Izba przyjec
ID ZOZ: 413357 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 352586 Id: 5262478 Territory number: 2061011 Territory: Bialystok - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Izba przyjec ul. Ogrodniczki 51
15-763 Bialystok
Regon: 20079372100020 Code: 003 Specialty: Izba przyjec szpitala Department code: 4900
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia nefrologiczna
ID ZOZ: 459408 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 380769 Id: 6244391 Territory number: 1418014 Territory: Gora Kalwaria - miasto
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia nefrologiczna 3-go Maja 14
05-530 Gora Kalwaria
Regon: 14291520600023 Code: 007 Specialty: Poradnia nefrologiczna Department code: 1130
Date of commencement of activity: End date of activity: 2015-01-30
Pracownia Techniki Dentystycznej
ID ZOZ: 402990 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 343443 Id: 5169177 Territory number: 3064011 Territory: Poznan - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Pracownia Techniki Dentystycznej Bukowska 70
60-812 Poznan
Regon: 63450447400042 Code: 007 Specialty: Pracownia protetyki dentystycznej Department code: 8100
Date of commencement of activity:
Blok operacyjny
ID ZOZ: 413357 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 352586 Id: 5262479 Territory number: 2061011 Territory: Bialystok - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Blok operacyjny ul. Ogrodniczki 51
15-763 Bialystok
Regon: 20079372100020 Code: 004 Specialty: Blok operacyjny Department code: 4910
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia pneumonologiczna
ID ZOZ: 459408 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 380769 Id: 6244392 Territory number: 1418013 Territory: NULL
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia pneumonologiczna ul. 3 Maja 14
05-530 Gora Kalwaria
Regon: 14291520600023 Code: 008 Specialty: Poradnia chorob pluc Department code: 1272
Date of commencement of activity:
Pracownia fizjoterapii
ID ZOZ: 507218 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 406189 Id: 7423293 Territory number: 2661011 Territory: Kielce - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Pracownia fizjoterapii ul. Karczowkowska 45/227
25-713 Kielce
Regon: 38009133000018 Code: 001 Specialty: Dzial (pracownia) fizjoterapii Department code: 1310 SIMC code: 0945930 Street code: 08033
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Stomatologii Dzieci i Mlodziezy
ID ZOZ: 402990 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 343443 Id: 5169178 Territory number: 3064011 Territory: Poznan - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Stomatologii Dzieci i Mlodziezy Bukowska 70
60-812 Poznan
Regon: 63450447400042 Code: 008 Specialty: Poradnia stomatologiczna dla dzieci Department code: 1801
Date of commencement of activity:
Sala intensywnej terapii
ID ZOZ: 413357 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 352586 Id: 5262480 Territory number: 2061011 Territory: Bialystok - municipality
Number of beds (total): 1 Number of beds (ICU): 1 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Sala intensywnej terapii ul. Ogrodniczki 51
15-763 Bialystok
Regon: 20079372100020 Code: 005 Specialty: Oddzial anestezjologii i intensywnej terapii Department code: 4260
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia alergologiczna
ID ZOZ: 459408 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 380769 Id: 6244393 Territory number: 1418013 Territory: NULL
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia alergologiczna ul. 3 Maja 14
05-530 Gora Kalwaria
Regon: 14291520600023 Code: 009 Specialty: Poradnia alergologiczna Department code: 1010
Date of commencement of activity:
Poradnia Ortodontyczna
ID ZOZ: 402990 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 343443 Id: 5169179 Territory number: 3064011 Territory: Poznan - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Poradnia Ortodontyczna Bukowska 70
60-812 Poznan
Regon: 63450447400042 Code: 009 Specialty: Poradnia ortodontyczna Department code: 1820
Date of commencement of activity:
ID ZOZ: 413357 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 352586 Id: 5262481 Territory number: 2061011 Territory: Bialystok - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Gipsownia ul. Ogrodniczki 51
15-763 Bialystok
Regon: 20079372100020 Code: 006 Specialty: Inna i nieokreslona komorka dzialalnosci medycznej Department code: 9000
Date of commencement of activity:
Pracownia RTG
ID ZOZ: 413357 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 352586 Id: 5262482 Territory number: 2061011 Territory: Bialystok - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Pracownia RTG ul. Ogrodniczki 51
15-763 Bialystok
Regon: 20079372100020 Code: 007 Specialty: Pracownia rentgenodiagnostyki ogolnej Department code: 7240
Date of commencement of activity:
Dzial farmacji szpitalnej
ID ZOZ: 413357 Unit ID: 0 Book id: 352586 Id: 5262483 Territory number: 2061011 Territory: Bialystok - municipality
Number of beds (total): 0 Number of beds (ICU): 0 Number of beds (incubator): 0 Number of beds (instant access): 0 Number of incubators: 0 Number of dialysis: 0 Number of beds: 0
Unit address:Dzial farmacji szpitalnej ul. Ogrodniczki 51
15-763 Bialystok
Regon: 20079372100020 Code: 008 Specialty: Apteka szpitalna/zakladowa/dzial farmacji Department code: 4920